Home of the Australasian Urban History Planning History Group

Category: Publications

A sustainable Australia depends on what happens in our cities – that’s why we need a national urban policy


Robert Freestone, UNSW Sydney; Bill Randolph, UNSW Sydney, and Wendy Steele, RMIT University

Australia has not had a national urban policy since the Rudd government. A troika of Liberal PMs followed. Tony Abbott wasn’t interested. Malcolm Turnbull didn’t quite live up to the hype but delivered cross-governmental City Deals and the Smart Cities and Suburbs Program.…

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“A sustainable Australia depends on what happens in our cities – that’s why we need a national urban policy”

Bell frogs, dugong bones and giant cauliflowers: water stories come to life at Green Square

Sheas Creek runs into Alexandra Canal. Photo: Ilaria Vanni, Author provided

Ilaria Vanni, University of Technology Sydney; Alexandra Crosby, University of Technology Sydney, and Shannon Foster, University of Technology Sydney

Did you know the Sydney suburb Rosebery was home to the now-endangered green and golden bell frogs?…

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“Bell frogs, dugong bones and giant cauliflowers: water stories come to life at Green Square”

“Progress in Australian planning history: Traditions, themes and transformations”

Robert Freestone, “Progress in Australian planning history: Traditions, themes and transformations” Progress in Planning V91, July 2014 pp. 1-29


Planning history is a distinctive strain in modern planning scholarship that provides dividends in the broader understanding of planning’s aims, development, impacts, achievements and limitations.…

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““Progress in Australian planning history: Traditions, themes and transformations””

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