Home of the Australasian Urban History Planning History Group

Author: James Lesh (Page 1 of 2)

James Lesh is a historian, heritage specialist and academic.

In memory of Ben Schrader

Dr Ben Schrader (19 July 1964 – 19 April 2024) is warmly remembered by the Australasian Urban History Planning History (AUHPH) Group. He passed away after last month.

Since the 1990s, Ben had actively participated in conferences of the AUHPH Group. He delivered keynotes on the New Zealand heritage movement at the 2018 conference at RMIT in Melbourne and on the New Zealand city at the 2022 conference at the University of Auckland | Waipapa Taumata Rau.…

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“In memory of Ben Schrader”

AUHPH Group Postgraduate Symposium 2023

On behalf of James Lesh, Anna Temby, Cameron Logan and Robert Freestone, thank you to our postgraduate students, session respondents, keynote speaker Lisa Murray and public audience for the successful AUHPH Group Postgraduate Symposium on 22 September 2023.

The AUHPH Group is committed to fostering postgraduate urban and planning historians and we hope to repeat this symposium in future years.…

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“AUHPH Group Postgraduate Symposium 2023”

IPHS 20th Biennial Conference, July 2024, Hong Kong SAR: First Call for Papers and Panels

On behalf of the International Planning History Society (IPHS) you are invited to submit a paper or panel proposal for the forthcoming 20th Biennial Conference, to be held in mid-2024 in at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.General information about the 2024 Hong Kong event can be found at the website https://iphs2024.cuhk.edu.hk,…

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“IPHS 20th Biennial Conference, July 2024, Hong Kong SAR: First Call for Papers and Panels”

Register for AUHPH Group Postgraduate Symposium 2023

The Australasian Urban History / Planning History Group is hosting an online Zoom Postgraduate Symposium on 22 September 2023. The symposium is intended to provide a supportive and collegiate environment for students to receive thesis feedback and advice from scholars whose work engages with historical perspectives on cities, planning and the built environment more broadly.…

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“Register for AUHPH Group Postgraduate Symposium 2023”

A sustainable Australia depends on what happens in our cities – that’s why we need a national urban policy


Robert Freestone, UNSW Sydney; Bill Randolph, UNSW Sydney, and Wendy Steele, RMIT University

Australia has not had a national urban policy since the Rudd government. A troika of Liberal PMs followed. Tony Abbott wasn’t interested. Malcolm Turnbull didn’t quite live up to the hype but delivered cross-governmental City Deals and the Smart Cities and Suburbs Program.…

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“A sustainable Australia depends on what happens in our cities – that’s why we need a national urban policy”

Conference Review: Ngā Pūtahitanga/Crossings

David Nichols reviews Ngā Pūtahitanga/Crossings: The 39th Annual Conference of SAHANZ and 16th Conference of Australasian in Fabrications.

Notoriously slow and halting traffic dogs Auckland city at peak hour times, with buses frequently cancelled due to a lack of drivers. The 24 km light rail presently under construction cannot come a moment too soon.…

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“Conference Review: Ngā Pūtahitanga/Crossings”

ACAHUCH x National Trust Heritage Festival – Jorge Otero-Pailos

An online panel featuring speakers from institutional heritage programs discussing Otero-Pailos’ text ‘Historic Preservation Theory’

Hosted by the Australian Centre for Architectural History, Urban and Cultural Heritage (ACAHUCH) at the University of Melbourne.

Register for this online event at Eventbrite.

Date and time


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“ACAHUCH x National Trust Heritage Festival – Jorge Otero-Pailos”

CFP: First Symposium of Urban Design History and Theory (SUDHT)

Scholars of urban design are invited to present their work at the first Symposium of Urban Design History and Theory (SUDHT). The purpose of SUDHT is to create a forum for those whose scholarship relates to urban design to present and discuss their research, engage in fruitful conversation and debate, and form a community based on shared interests.…

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“CFP: First Symposium of Urban Design History and Theory (SUDHT)”

Call for Sessions: EAUH 2024 Cities at the Boundaries (Ostrava, Czech Republic)

It is a great privilege to inform you that the sixteenth conference of the European Association for Urban History (EAUH) will take place in Ostrava, Czech Republic from 4 to 7 September 2024.

In 2024 the theme of the European Association for Urban History Conference is going to be “Cities at the Boundaries”, however the EAUH 2024 Conference will be also open for all topics and research aspects from the field of urban history. …

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“Call for Sessions: EAUH 2024 Cities at the Boundaries (Ostrava, Czech Republic)”

CFP: Exchanges: European Cities and the Wider Urban World CFP: EAUH Online Symposium

European Association for Urban History (EAUH)Online Symposium

CALL FOR PAPERS European Association for Urban History (EAUH)  Online Symposium 

Exchanges: European Cities and the Wider Urban World 

One-Day Conference 6 September 2023


The EAUH will hold a one-day online symposium focusing on cultural and material exchanges between urban Europe and the wider urban world, extending across all historical periods.…

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“CFP: Exchanges: European Cities and the Wider Urban World CFP: EAUH Online Symposium”

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