The Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) is seeking applications from prospective PhD candidates to join a multi-disciplinary research project investigating the history of private property ownership in Australia. A PhD scholarship is funded by the Australian Research Council (ARC, DP240100395) for research that will generate new knowledge of settler-colonial property creation from 1788 onwards.… Continue reading...
Author: antipodes (Page 1 of 3)
The Economic History Society of Australia and New Zealand is inviting nominations for the 2023 S. J. Butlin Prize for best Masters or PhD thesis in Australian or New Zealand economic history, awarded in calendar years 2020, 2021 or 2022. The applied definition of ‘economic’ is broad, encompassing business history and labour history, as well as more cross-disciplinary work in fields such as environmental history, urban history, agricultural history, political history. … Continue reading...
James Lesh, Deakin University
Heritage conservation has been blamed for making the housing crisis worse by standing in the way of new, higher-density housing. But protecting heritage and increasing housing should be complementary objectives. Heritage suffers when not enjoyed by our growing communities.… Continue reading...
It is a great privilege to inform you that the sixteenth conference of the European Association for Urban History (EAUH) will take place in Ostrava, Czech Republic from 4 to 7 September 2024.
The call for papers is now open. Papers must be submitted to a main session, specialist session, or roundtable.… Continue reading...
The proceedings of the 2022 SAHANZ Conference ‘Ngā Pūtahitanga / Crossings’ (held jointly with the Australasian Urban History Planning History Group) are now available through the Publications pages of the SAHANZ website (here).
Consisting of 40 papers, they can be accessed in the form of an entire 665-page document or, alternatively, the papers can be viewed and downloaded individually.… Continue reading...

CFP / ‘Cities Past’: Australasian Urban History/Planning History (AUHPH) Group Postgraduate Symposium / 22 September 2023 / Online
Call for Papers
We invite postgraduate researchers exploring topics related to urban and planning history in Australia, New Zealand and South Pacific nations to participate in a one-day online PhD Symposium to present and discuss their work.… Continue reading...
Carolyn Hill reflects on the November 2022 conference that brought together over 100 built environment professionals to explore important topics within intersecting disciplines. This article originally appeared in Architecture New Zealand – March 2023.
It isn’t easy to get a bunch of architects and planners together for a weekend ofcollegial happiness, but SAHANZ (Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand) and the Australian UHPH (Urban History/Planning History) Group made it happen with their conference, Ngā Pūtahitanga/Crossings, held in November 2022.… Continue reading...
Ilaria Vanni, University of Technology Sydney; Alexandra Crosby, University of Technology Sydney, and Shannon Foster, University of Technology Sydney
Did you know the Sydney suburb Rosebery was home to the now-endangered green and golden bell frogs?… Continue reading...
Recovery and the City
Deadline December 5th 2022
30th & 31st March 2023, University of Warwick.
This year’s Urban History Group Conference invites individual and panel submissions from scholars and practitioners at all stages of their careers who study the urban past in any period.… Continue reading...
Rebecca Clements, University of Sydney; Elizabeth Taylor, Monash University, and Hulya Gilbert, La Trobe University
In the popular Japanese TV series Old Enough, very young children are sent out into their neighbourhood on their first solo errand. The release of this long-running series on Netflix this year created a buzz among Western viewers about children travelling around their neighbourhoods on their own when only two to four years old.… Continue reading...