The AUHPHG is an informal collective of students, practitioners and academics. We meet at our biannual conferences and encourage wide participation.

PhD Completions in Australasian Urban History / Planning History – since 2011

Nicole DavisA fashionable promenade: arcades in Australia in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.University of Melbourne2023
Fiona GattThe lived experience of urbanisation in Hotham/North Melbourne, 1852–1905Deakin University2023
Anthony LuntFrancis Bird, 1845-1937: Colonial immigrant, entrepreneur, architect, and gentleman – his life, his family and his times.
University of Western Australia
Susan ReadyGlorious Gardens and Exuberant Grounds: The History of Urban Public Parks in Australia
University of Melbourne
Victoria Kolankiewicz‘Leisure, pleasure … rubbish and rats?’: the planned and unplanned reclamation of bluestone quarry sites in urban Melbourne, 1835-2000

University of Melbourne2020
Anna TembyNegotiating Order in the Colonial City: Civic Improvement and the Social Ordering of Public Space in Brisbane, 1875-1914University of Queensland2020
Rose CullenRestoring, Renovating and Conserving Old Houses: Homeowners and Historical Consciousness in Australia 1960-2018University of Sydney2019
Fiona Fraser
A City for Music Lovers: Creating a classical music culture in Sydney 1889-1939
Australian National University2019
Philip GoldswainDepicting Boom Urbanism: A critical investigation of Kalgoorlie and Boulder, Western Australia, 1893-1903University of Melbourne2019
Jane HomewoodThe Authorship of Space: The role of key individuals in the transformation of inner Melbourne from the late 1960’s to the mid-1980s and lessons learnt for todayUniversity of Melbourne2019
Molly MckewRemembering the counterculture: Melbourne’s inner-urban alternative communities of the 1960s and 1970sUniversity of Melbourne2019
Margaret CookDamming the river: floods in the Brisbane River catchment 1893-2011

Published as A River with a City Problem: A History of Brisbane Floods (2019)

University of Queensland
Marcus LancasterAn urban environmental history of Melbourne’s watercoursesUniversity of Melbourne2018
James LeshAt the intersection of heritage preservation, urban transformation, and everyday life in the twentieth-century Australian city

Published as Values in Cities: Urban Heritage in Twentieth-Century Australia
University of Melbourne2018
Louis MarshallSurviving the Colony: The Impact of the Western Australian Convict System on Prisoner Health, 1850-1877.University of Western Australia2018
Nicola PullanJust a Roof Over Their Heads: Temporary Dwellings on Sydney’s Urban Fringe 1945 to 1960University of New South Wales2018
Elizabeth FeltscheerNineteenth Century Tourism: Destination MelbourneMonash University2017
Federico PassiThe city unseen: iconography, specificity and mise en scène in the cinematic representation of Melbourne’s urban space, 1896-1966RMIT University2017
The German-speaking community of Victoria between 1850 and 1930: origin, progress and decline. University of Melbourne2017
I was a good-time Charlie: social dance and Chinese community life in Sydney and Melbourne, 1850s-1970sUniversity of Melbourne2016
Leanne HowardCommunity involvement in cultural landscape management: reality or rhetoric?University of Melbourne2016
Sarah Taylor
Geographical Information Systems for applied social research: the case of the live music industry in Sydney and Melbourne

RMIT University
Sue SilberbergA networked community: Jewish immigration, colonial networks and the shaping of Melbourne 1835-1895

Published as A Networked Community: Jewish Melbourne in the Nineteenth Century (2020)
University of Melbourne2016
Neil CameronMusic of the Anglican Cathedral and selected Anglican parish churches of the Diocese of Sydney 1869-1940
Macquarie University
Carmel KelleherQuarantine Station North Head 1900-1984 : a history of placeMacquarie University2015
Pam LofthouseThe history and heritage of semi-detached dwellings in New South Wales 1788-1980University of Sydney2015
Angela MunroA ‘common-sense revolution’? The transformation of the Melbourne City Council, 1992−9University of Canberra2015
Lara PalomboThe racial camp and the production of the political citizen: a genealogy of contestation from Indigenous populations and diasporic womenMacquarie University2015
Lesley PotterWeaving the Threads: A Tapestry of Sydney’s Colonial Midwives, 1788 – 1901University of Sydney2015
Louise ProwseA popular past? Historical identity and the rural ideal in the Australian country town 1945-2000University of Sydney2015
Adrian ReganRe-manufacturing the City: Geelong 1945-1973Monash University2015
Simone SharpeMade in Melbourne: the rise and fall of the domestic appliance manufacturing industry in Twentieth Century MelbourneMonash University2015
Paul IrishHidden in Plain View: Nineteenth‐century Aboriginal people and places in coastal Sydney

Published as Hidden in Plain View: The Aboriginal people of coastal Sydney
University of New South Wales2014
Tom RogersThe civilisation of Port Phillip

Published as The Civilisation of Port Phillip: Settler ideology, violence, and rhetorical possession
University of Melbourne2014
Anna WilsonUprooting Melbourne: a story of a city as revealed by trees
University of Tasmania
June CauntMemory and the Migrant Story: a Comparison of two studies of British Migrants arriving in Western Australia in the 1960sUniversity of Western Australia2013
Barbara NicholThe breath of the wok: Melbourne’s early Chinese restaurants. Community, culture & entrepreneurialism in the city, late 19th C to 1950sUniversity of Melbourne2013
Clara Stein
The growth and development of Albury-Wodonga 1972-2006: united and divided

Macquarie University
Cynthia LaneMyths and Memories: Re-reading Space and People in Western Australia through the Restricted Lenses of Travellers 1850-1914 University of Western Australia2011
Leo MartinChange and exchange: the Castlemaine Market Square, 1852-2002University of Melbourne2011
Liz TaylorProperty ownership and planning regulation: insider influences on urban consolidation policies in Melbourne
RMIT University

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